Jun 14Liked by Lizzie Simon

I remember your essay about the annoying good ol’ boys making it impossible to rest and sleep. Glad you found a solution! So wonderful seeing you last night! Thanks for the shout out🫶🏻😘

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Jun 13Liked by Lizzie Simon

Lots of LOL moments with this!! It's delightful!

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Lizzie, you may very well be an EMPATH. We are super sensitive to so many things more than the average normal person.

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Hello Lizzie, it's always a good thing to know there are others out there having a similar experience. I too, for many years, and still do, fear not having that peaceful and cozy home space. The window proofing is brilliant. I wish that when I lived in Italy my landlord would have done the same thing! He would have saved himself a lot of trouble. Anyway, my podcast has a segment called KILL DUH NOISE!!! I too would like to throw egg bolders!

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